Launch of the new Maitland office of Hume Community Housing



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Pacific Gateway, Glendale

Pacific Gateway, located at Glendale Lake Macquarie, is a liveable and connected 21-unit integrated development that marks a new milestone for innovation in affordable housing designed and completed b...
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Gloucester Aged Care Facility Nearing Completion

Kingston Building is nearing completion on a 44 bed aged care facility for Anglican Care at Gloucester. Kingston’s proud to be associated with such a prestigious project which is really assistin...
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Hervey Bay BP Service Station

A fabulous achievement for our Queensland office having just completed Kingston’s first ever BP service station. Located at Hervey Bay, the facility includes fuel pumps, retail store, automated car ...
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Millfield Public School Anniversary Makeover

The Kingston Building Minor Work Team have produced another successful project in the Hunter Valley. This time being engaged by the Department of Education, to refurbish the historic Millfield Public ...