Spectacular Airshow Opens Kingston’s Recently Completed Hunter Warbirds Museum in Scone
The opening of the much heralded $8m Hunter Warbirds Museum & Scone Memorial Airport occurred on the weekend with an elaborate function on Friday night followed by two full days of aerial stunts and flyovers.
With over 7,000 patrons attending the event over the weekend, people got the unbelievable opportunity to touch and feel aeroplanes such as a WWI Bristol Fighter, WWII fighters such as Spitfires & Hurricanes and Mirage Jets and then watch them in action in the skies over Scone.
Kingston was privileged to work alongside Upper Hunter Shire Council and Public Works Advisory to Design & Construct this fabulous facility which incorporates a 3,200m2 hangar houses one of the best aeronautical displays, including planes, memorabilia, displays of pilots uniforms and video presentations, in Australia. The attached 2 storey terminal building includes a function centre, commercial kitchen, a gift shop and also has the provision to incorporate commercial flights on the ground floor.
The weekend event injected more than $2m into the local economy which is a credit to the vision of UHSC to create an exhibition that will drive tourism to the area for generations to come.
Hunter Warbirds is a marvellous attraction that is set to put the Upper Hunter Shire on the map. The opening of Hunter Warbirds which coincided with its signature event Warbirds Over Scone is the complete package and a remarkable experience for all who attended. The engineering and craftsmanship of the facility is second to none and we thank everyone who worked on the construction of this amazing facility.
– Upper Hunter Shire Council Mayor Maurice Collison
Congratulations to the team of David Fairbrother, Todd Lowrie, John Constance & Nathan Hornby who were integral to the success of the project. It is an amazing facility and is a real credit to their dedication to achieving a quality outcome for Kingston Building that the client is rapt with – thanks Guys!
Read more about this project here.
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