“I walked past it regularly and never knew it was there”, was a recurring comment from neighbours and passers-by of the long running Newcastle Theatre Company in Lambton. The buildings were tired, run-down, muted and lacked the dramatic stage presence of a theatrical venue.
Charged with providing the precinct with street appeal on a stringent budget, Kingston Building recycled, re-clad, repurposed and reimagined the theatre grounds as a performance of colour, collaboration and quality.
The most striking feature, a brightly coloured fence with sliding entry gate, was put together with recycled solid core doors donated and salvaged from yards across the Hunter Region. New sliding barn doors, curved slat screens and a central laneway awning, were finished in flashes of raspberry to compliment the theatres signage. The old and new buildings were re-clad in weatherboard and finished in monument (charcoal) to contrast the statement features.
The front and central laneways were reimagined as a space for pre-performance and intermission, with façade and festoon lighting, tiered timber decks for photos, wall murals, stepped timber seating and waterproofed planter boxes. A skillion awning at the end of the laneway with directional external lighting provided an additional space for informal performances.
Recommencing its productions in September, the new theatre opened to rave reviews and has been very well received within the thespian community.
Lambton, NSWClient
Newcastle Theatre CompanyValue
These values underpin how we go about our daily business and define the Kingston way.
We are committed to establishing and investing in long term relationships with clients, staff, communities, suppliers and subcontractors in the absolute belief that this approach creates the greatest value for all.
We recognise the critical importance of environmental sustainability including water and energy efficiency, pollution reduction, recycling and the implementation of best practice urban design principles to protect the future health and prosperity of the planet.
We take great pride in constructing quality buildings with exceptionally high standards of finish and client satisfaction. Kingston has received many industry awards for excellence.
Recent Projects

Waratah West LAHC

Oak Tree Broadmeadow Over 55s Village

Lambton LAHC

Cessnock High School

The Icon Cosmetic Clinic, Warners Bay

Darling Street Oval Grandstand

The Depot – New Kingston Building Head Office

Mount Hutton SDA Home

Aldi Green Point

Jesmond Retirement Village